Master your very own wealth building, time saving, low-cost portfolio in 7 days or less.

  • Easy to learn, easy to use. (Simple Rules, Simple Tools™)
  • Keep your accounts where they are, no need to change brokers.
  • Build long-term wealth, keep more gains.

without ever again...

  • Losing sleep over your IRA or your 401(k) account at work.
  • Worrying about what you should do or when you should do it.
  • Wondering if your advisor is working in your best interest.
  • Seeing your gains evaporate and being told "Don't worry, the market always comes back."

...even if you've never made a stock trade, read a mutual fund prospectus, or felt confident about investing before. (If you have any experience at all, it's even EASIER for you.)

Simple Rules, Simple Tools™

*DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. We Guarantee that when you complete the 7-Day Simple Rules, Simple Tools™ Quickstart Program,  you'll have a time-saving, easy-to-understand, easy-to-manage & diversified wealth building portfolio that will save you loads of time, save thousands of dollars in fees, keep more gains in your account, and make you feel HAPPIER about your investments or you can request a double-your-money-back refund. YOU DESERVE TO WIN!